Friday, February 17, 2017

Shadow Exercise

I think I'm kind of confused on the understanding or meaning of this shadow project but, I'll give it a try in what "I think" it means. Hate is such a strong word and so therefore, I would prefer loathe or, dislike.  There are so many in the world from the past and as evil as they are/were, we are still so intrigued, even in today's society of evil or just plain crazy people.  I didn't really see any connection to the shadow personally. I think it's just psycho-babble, today's society loves the pop culture and wants to be a part of it and history, whatever the cost or cause. I think it's just to say, "I was there" so, remember me, even though we never formally met. 

 I do realize that people generally feel strongly about antagonists - whether they loathe them or like them they certainly have pretty polar opinions about them. More often than not are we reminded that ill luck happens to evil people is probably just an untrue story. We don't see a lot of good guys make it big in this world. Our image of a smart jerk who gets things his way is well learned from experience. 

Even in stories written that are very rooted in reality in their tiny details can have some very enormous, yet difficult characters (remember Moriarty who wanted to start a world war, sounding familiar to the present, Mmmm?? ). The sheer depth and intelligence of these characters makes us love them. We're forced to appreciate their line of thought even when we know it's wrong. More often than not are characters as seen as bad by other characters and even the viewer. This represents something we've all possibly felt from time to time in our own lives and so seems to somehow make a part of you with them. In closing, frankly there is no person that is "close to me" like this but, I've come into contact with them time and again.  Mostly to hang on my coat-tails as I open the doors of opportunity and accomplish my dreams in life. This is how I interpret "the shadow".

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