Thursday, February 9, 2017

Rite of Spring

When listening to some of the music, my first thought was "JAWS" the movie. It automatically made me feel like something bad is about to happen. It starts out soft and enticing, then a slight intensity as it's getting more dramatic in the middle. The structure of this rhythmical music is to drive the dramatic actionI'm sure the people felt scared out of their minds when hearing it for the first time. 

The music, The Rite of Spring possesses such a graphic quality—its climaxes, its....similar “cure” by showing a ritual on stage, invoking the spirit of a primitive life. When approached with this scenario Serge Diaghilev convinced Stravinsky to write a ballet, not just a symphonic piece. 

In her book, Sacre du printemps – Seven Productions from Nijinsky to Martha Graham, Shelley C. Berg writes, “For Diaghilev it was the consummate synthesis, an extraordinary opportunity to bring together the ancient world of Slavic myth and ritual and the modern sensibility and power represented by Stravinsky’s music. Although, I'm not much into this kind of music I did, when given the opportunity, found it most intriguing and kind of wanting a little bit more. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I totally agree with what you're saying in this post, After listening to Stravinsky's infamous The Rite of Spring, it kind of starting to get interesting and I started to kind of like it. The way the music is played and the fast beat intrigues and the different types of instruments is amazing and how you can actually hear every single instrument. after listening to Stravinsky's infamous The Rite of Spring in class and at my house, I can sense the story they are trying to tell. It is very different from the music I listen to but after watching and listening to The Rite of Spring a couple times it gets stuck in your head and makes you want to listen to it again.
