Saturday, March 25, 2017

Existentialist: Part I & II

Part I...
Freedom of choice, well there's no such thing as that, not really. Sure, you can chose to get up in the morning and make yourself breakfast, etc., but once you hit that door the outside world is not yours entirely. We have limited choice and we are like mice in a maze, looking for the cheese. We MUST have a purpose, that is what we call survival.

We are not given the choice to being born or even who our parents our. Although, I'm lucky on that cause I have a loving and supportive mother whom I love unconditionally. Most are not so lucky, which shakes me to the core. Yes, we are being taught by someone else and their ways, rules and laws. We can chose to abide by them or not but, there are consequences, and these consequences yet again are from someone else. I feel like there's a form or mold that ALL humans MUST be fit for. For example, your either far to the left or far to the right. There's never a happy medium for anyone, because it's just not natural in the eyes of the world.  Hogwash, I say.  Say, is all I can put out there for the moment, because I know sure as anything someone will challenge it. I'm speaking hogwash for myself, I control myself alone, on certain issues, etc.  Everyone's different on certain things but, yes its true we are all molded one way to do one thing and that is to survive, however we do it, we ALL have to survive. Like I said about the maze, in that big scary place we call the world, you have the choice to live or die.

You can either be lead like cattle to slaughter with no place to go, except to the end of the line OR you can be like those suicide ants going around in a circle until someone places a finger in the middle to help you break free. The choice is yours.


Part II...
Now, I'm to Imagine??? Mmmm... I really don't have to imagine that existential hero. People have always had that perception about me anyways. Why?  Maybe its because I don't have any friends, or maybe because I am quiet and sometime to myself.  I just scope out the lay of the land sort of speak and little by little find my way out there.  I'm just myself and being me. Sure things are not always easy but, it's working for me. I'm doing it the hard way for a reason and learning the experiences but, it will make for a harder shell to crack and I'm stronger because of that. It'll all come out good in the end, hard work will prevail they say and I believe that.   

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