Friday, May 5, 2017

My Aesthetics of HUM 108 - My Final Blog

During my educational upbringing, basically K-12, we barely touched the surface when it came to any art. I’d have to compare that to a color wheel, just the primary colors, but when getting to college and taking your course, it was like a full fledged 120 box of Crayola crayons. I've learned more about the artist styles and meanings to their art, and all the isms, than I ever knew existed. Frankly, all I knew was a couple of artist and what they painted and that was about it.  I was even named after one, well that and the song pertaining to him, "Vincent (Starry, Starry Night)" - Don Mclean, 1971)Knowing what I know now, it opened my eyes and certainly peaked my curiosity. So, I plan on taking in the Phoenix Art Museum this summer to expand my knowledge and love for the arts. Now when it comes to dance and the theater, I'm more inclined to explore the theater part and so, I might take in a few plays locally. I've been to a theater before with the tux's and gowns but, I felt weird, stuffed actually. Therefore, I might find a melodrama instead, for that’s pretty much my style. A mix of contemporary comedies, musical parodies and old-fashioned melodramas, all accompanied live by the music director. During intermissions, the actors clear tables and serve snacks and drinks —saw dust on the floor included  offering up a cheery snippet of song whenever a patron plunks some change in the tip jar. After every performance they are followed by a themed vaudeville revue featuring songs, sketches and pop culture parodies. I know, sounds pretty cool eh?  When it comes to the architecture, I completely forgot we have quite a few right here. America’s best-known architect of the 20th century, Frank Lloyd Wright, henceforth, the Boulevard in Scottsdale. He revolutionized American architecture through his innovative treatment of space, light, and materials.  Also, the style that I really like is the art deco period and I’m curious to see if any of that is anywhere in downtown phoenix still.  All and all, I’d have to say this class has given me a great step off to the arts and it socially broaden my horizons.