Saturday, January 21, 2017

Consumer of Culture.

My life is influenced by sports everyday. When I get up on weekend mornings, I turn on the TV to catch the early sports jabber from the announcers and get pumped up to watch football. I cheer for my favorite team and root on others too.  Usually how the games turn out influences my mood throughout the week. If they don't win, I will be kinda bummed that week and if they win my mood will sky rocket and I will be very happy. Leading up to the games on the weekends, I check who is not playing and who is playing or any info about my team. This is one of the few outlets I have, sports is kinda my whole life. Even what I wanna become in my adult life in the working world involves sports. It may have it's ups and downs but, it makes me happy. Sports is not only something I like but, also my family.  My mom and I will watch the games together and have lots of fun. We yell for our teams and are always laughing.